Most people who involve in oil & gas industry must know Schlumberger or well-known as slb. Slb is the world's largest oilfield services company providing the most complete range of services from seismic survey to the well completion. Me, as a petroleum engineering graduate, definitely would love to join and work for this great company. Thus, I applied online, created my own profile in the career website but after couples months, I didn't receive any response."Students nowadays study simply just to pass the exams"
Somewhere in mid Oct, if I was not mistaken, I went to a career fair and I dropped my resume at slb booth and guess what? I received a response from them. I was contacted by their employee to arrange an interview, but it was after two months. It's fine for me, at least I achieved an improvement in my job hunting. I guess it's normal for a huge company like slb, they definitely receive thousands of applications every months and it'll take months to sort all the applications out.
The first interview, or known as R1 stage was pretty simple. They just wanted to know more about my background and they also asked me about my interest; where I wanna work? what kind of department you think you'll fit in?
Fortunately, about a week later, I got an email mentioning that I passed the R1 stage and I need to be ready for the R2 stage interview which would b scheduled soon. On mid Jan, I received a call telling me that I need to attend the interview on Wednesday. Shoot! I'm working on that day dude. Do it on the weekend, can I?hehe. Serious, I told him so.
"My manager is off on weekend. He actually chose that day for your interview,"He replied. Arghh, I had no choice. If I wanted to go, I need to take a half day off. Furthermore, slb office is just a walking distance from my office.
As scheduled earlier, I went to the R2 interview with just small prep. I did study a lil bit, focusing more towards my strengths and weaknesses. I was told that for R2 stage, normally you'll be put in a group and then you'll b asked to build a paper bridge. Then, you also need to do a presentation about your strengths and weaknesses.
However, it was totally different than what I had expected. No paper bridge and no question at all about strengths and weaknesses. None. Zero.Haha. I'm screwed. The interview took about 2.5 hours; the longest interview I ever attended.
Most of the questions were technical questions. To be honest, I learned all those shit at university and I'm supposed to be able to answer all of them. But, after 6 months holidays, my brain is getting rusted. I can't recall all the theories that I was taught in class. The interviewer even asked me to use the white board and explained to him about few things. At the end, he showed me a software and he asked me to take a look at the data that he got. Then, he asked me to explain what I understood about the data. I did really bad at this, I blew my last chance to impress him. I'm totally screwed now.
To be honest, before the interview, I expected I can do pretty well for the interview. However, after the interview, I don't think I'll be hired by slb. Keeping my finger cross, I did try my best and right now, just wait and see.
Hi :) I found your blog through search for SLB interview test. I have an upcoming round 2 interview at SLB day after tomorrow, so would like to know which engineering did you study? Was it petroleum engineering because the questions sound like they're very direct & detailed, especially the data reading part -.-' I studied chem eng, and am wondering if the questions would be as tough as yours. Tengah bukak balik buku sekolah anyways :) Your help would be much appreciated!