Friday, October 31, 2014

Re- blogging after quite a while.:)

It's been awhile since my last post, myb 2 years i guess. Myb cz too occupied with my job wt blue company, then I got marriage with my sweet heart, then we have a lovely baby boy, Qayyim; how time flies very fast. 

Alhamdulillah, even though life is quite busy for me but I love it. Love being together with my beautiful wife, a active baby boy and my great family. What a wonderful world I live in, thank you Allah for all of these.
@KL Bird Park with my wife, baby boy, abah, mak, Ijah & Baihaqi.
In addition, now I am helping my wife doing small business selling scented prayer beads aka tasbih wangi and scented prayer maps aka sejadah wangi. We import these directly from Istanbul, Turkey. So far, the business is pretty good. Below is the our facebook page.

I was thinking to write about the story of the business in the future, so stay tuned.:)

Anyway, while browsing internet last few days, I accidentally open my blog and read some of the entries and it really reminiscences memories of my life; the ups n downs and thinn thick. So I thought I should continue writing in this blog to improve my english n also at the same time it will b some kind like my diary so that in the future I could open n to remind me how wonderful is my life n cherish it. Alhamdulillah.
Scented prayer beads direct Turkey available from us.:)

1 comment:

  1. May I know what is blue company? Came across ur blog by googling on bumi armada
